Posted on January 16 2024

POSTCARDS │ January 5 - February 1, 2024
Text by Silvia Colombo
The exhibition Postcards, at the Millepiani space in Rome, is an invitation to cross the threshold that separates the past from the future - ours (the viewer's) and that of the artists. A postcard is, in fact, the commercial transposition of a place that becomes symbolic while still maintaining its connection to reality: through photography, it becomes iconic, contributing to the recognizability of a square, a monument, or a beach. It's a frozen image in time that reflects and reverberates in our memories. It multiplies, transforming into monuments, enchanting landscapes, identifying glimpses of a specific time and space. And how can we forget it? Postcards are also the colorful images of our childhood and vacations.
The photographs and digital works on display tell us exactly this: they are crystallized fragments of others' lives - sometimes coinciding with our own. And precisely because of this state of immobility, they forcefully immerse us in the lives of others.
The photographs and digital works on display tell us exactly this: they are crystallized fragments of others' lives - sometimes coinciding with our own. And precisely because of this state of immobility, they forcefully immerse us in the lives of others.

Ekaterina Mikryukova, Postcard. Remembering Happy Times, 2023

Ekaterina Mikryukova, Postcard. Remembering Happy Times, 2023
In the lives of the artists who wanted to share certain images with the public. Because a postcard is also the trace of a physical and, at the same time, intimate and personal journey that they (and we) have undertaken over time as individuals.
Here, in the hall of Millepiani, the exhibited works retrace this path, highlighting what is important, both privately and universally.
The images take root until they prevail, and in almost all cases, words and thoughts are set aside. But there are also artists who have made words and numbers (such as dates) the center of their work, displayed here. In any case, what emerges is a subtle veil of poetry. Organizing an exhibition centered on the theme of postcards means inviting artists to open up their worlds and their places of the heart - or fear - before our eyes.

Max Kessell, Where the Sun Sets on an Oyster Bay, 2023
The questions that spontaneously arise when walking through the exhibition hall are: why did the artist choose precisely these places? What meaning will these images have for the artist who carefully chose the framing, perspective, and subject to capture?
"Postcards" thus becomes a crossroads of gazes that ultimately never meet. The artist's gaze, observing the places around them and carefully choosing the subject to capture. That of the exhibition visitor, who in turn observes the reproduction of what the artist has experienced and chosen.
"Postcards" thus becomes a crossroads of gazes that ultimately never meet. The artist's gaze, observing the places around them and carefully choosing the subject to capture. That of the exhibition visitor, who in turn observes the reproduction of what the artist has experienced and chosen.

Max Kessell, Where the Sun Sets on an Oyster Bay, 2023

Claudia Grunig, Souvenirs, 2022

Yudai Yoshikawa, Winter Morning in Tokyo, 2022

Antoine Horenbeek, Brasilia; Rio de Janeiro, 2015

Mustafa Sarp Danisoglu, Livorno, 2019

5 January - 1 February, 2024
Millepiani - Via N. Odero,13, Rome - IT
+39 06.888.17.620