Experimenta. The Other Photography
Posted on November 21 2022

Authors Silvia Colombo, Antonio Muratore
Experimenta. The Other Photography │ November 3rd - 30th, 2022
Paradigm of modernity, since the first half of the 20th century, photography has become a means through which authors such as Florence Henri, Man Ray, László Moholy-Nagy, and many others, offer new visions of reality: all this is done by observing, analyzing and asking questions on several levels, such as a scientific, cultural, and social one, regarding objects / subjects, but also regarding the role and the deepest meaning of the photographic act.
Thanks to the advent of the digital world, its applications and its operational transversality, new techniques, procedures and conceptual approaches to the "writing of light" are today in continuous evolution. Contemporary experimental photography proposes new languages and new aesthetics concerning the experience of man in the relationship with the environment and its perception.
All the time spent experimenting is non-linear, most definitely circular. In fact, swimming among the many (or maybe endless?) possibilities raised by a wide variety of topics, techniques and colour palettes means being able to move freely in both space and time.
Thanks to the advent of the digital world, its applications and its operational transversality, new techniques, procedures and conceptual approaches to the "writing of light" are today in continuous evolution. Contemporary experimental photography proposes new languages and new aesthetics concerning the experience of man in the relationship with the environment and its perception.
All the time spent experimenting is non-linear, most definitely circular. In fact, swimming among the many (or maybe endless?) possibilities raised by a wide variety of topics, techniques and colour palettes means being able to move freely in both space and time.

Faizan Adil, Sonder Seclusion, 2017
How many artists have looked at the past, took inspiration from it, in order to move forward - to the future and beyond - and to reshape it, based on their sensitivity? Countless. Along this path - or, better, along this ‘exploration’, a term that does not presuppose a beginning nor an end - the will of experimentation takes over, making its way through a multitude of pictures. It is exactly from this perspective that we can look at the main subject of “Experimenta. The Other Photography”. The group exhibition, open from 3rd to 30th November 2022 at Spazio Millepiani in Rome, is therefore a reflection, the result of this experimental exploration within photography and digital art. So, what to expect from “Experimenta”? “Experimenta” is a visual journey including or, on the contrary, excluding certain themes based on research dealing with various techniques and colours. But it is not just that. It is the rediscovery of movement within the image’s bidimensionality, a trip rooted into the experimentations of the 20th century that are then actualised through reinterpretations and tryouts. It is an ensemble of bodies walking, dancing and weaving together, and silhouettes embracing the blurry dimension of photography. Or, again, it is matter that changes and dissolves, being assimilated, absorbed and confused by its own identity.

Temo Dou, Beneath the Dreams, 2021
In this context, every image becomes a field for experimentation where varying and unleashing our curiosity and interests is not only possible, but even interesting. And if, more literally, the impression of an object on film (or before the camera lens) results in a blurry picture, its meaning shows metaphorical references. For example, everything that is sucked up into a past we tend to forget, loses its definition. At this point, contours melt and lose their usual sharpness to leave room for memories, feelings. Poetry. Instead, we notice a more technological experimentation where the artists tap into different techniques, from past and present - including analog and digital photography, but also “material practices” as the cyanotype. According to what the artists on show intend to capture and represent, they prefer black and white, or light and shade, in order to reveal something that otherwise would remain untold. To highlight our inner selves and what is surrounding us.

Alessandro de Leo, Contatto, 2022


Margo Geddes, Cloud Catcher I / Cloud View I, 2022

Oriana Poindexter, Giant Kelp Study 11, 2021 / Mikhail Roninson, Alien, 2022

Agnieszka Kot, In the Presence of (non)Human Scripts, 2021

November 3rd - 30th, 2022
Millepiani - Via N. Odero,13, Rome - IT
+39 06.888.17.620