Natural lights, vibrant colours, penetrating gazes shape balanced compositions halfway between a photographic image and a painted portrait. This is a short description of Liliia Beda’s work..

I like the inspiration, that my works can give to other people. It makes some chain of inspiration all over the world, and it moves to do something special, something breathtaking. - L. B.
Natural lights, vibrant colours, penetrating gazes shape balanced compositions halfway between a photographic image and a painted portrait. This is a short description of Liliia Beda’s work, a self-taught photographer from Donetsk (Ukraine) with a master degree in History in her pocket. On closer inspection, history is the red thread guiding us through her wonderful world. Liliia’s pictures, though, are not just historical re-enactments with a poetic flavour, but rather visual symphonies showing us the “natural uniqueness and beauty of people”.
Like a contemporary Pre-Raphaelite artist, she captures the authenticity of whoever she is portraying while she invents stories saturated with symbols and metaphors. The result is a delicate and yet intense composition able to inspire and move the observant.
In the interview that follows she will reveal something about herself, her sources of inspiration and her art.
Author Silvia Colombo

L.A.: Liliia what led to you working in photography as artist?
Liliia Beda: I am learning to be an artist painter. It helps me in photography, in composition and color sense, choose the light and many other aspects.
L.A.: Who were the first artists or photographers that inspired you? Who inspires you today?
Liliia Beda: My favorite photographer is Julia Margaret Cameron. Her works give me a huge flow of inspiration. What about artists, I like William Bouguereau, his paintings are goreous. I've seen this two artists first and fell in love with their works.
Liliia Beda, The Mermaid, 2018
L.A.: What do you like most about being a photographer?
Liliia Beda: I like the inspiration, that my works can give to other people. It makes some chain of inspiration all over the world, and it moves to do something special, something breathtaking.
L.A.: What kind of relationship between painting and photography in your work?
Liliia Beda: As i said in previous answer, I'm a painter. And I try to unit paint and photography in single whole. For me, these two types of art have grown together. I carefuly study the light in the pictures of old masters, I research colors and compositions from paintings.
L.A.: How do you choose what or who to photograph, what are you looking to capture?
Liliia Beda: I choose the model for shooting very carefully. I have been looking for a suitable person for a long time, he should have an unusual appearance. The model should be as if (she or he) descended from the picture and revived in our world. I don't capture people who have made changes in their appearance in the form of false eyelashes, huge painted eyebrows, pumped lips, etc. I love the naturalness of people, their natural uniqueness. Many people whom I met, considered themselves ugly, and did not know about their beauty and perfection. In my photos I show the natural beauty.
Liliia Beda, The Winter Symphony, 2018
L.A.: Can you comment one work from those featured at LoosenArt? something about meanings, concepts or memories that emerges by that particular image
Liliia Beda: One of my featuring work is "The Winter Symphony". This work captures my best friend. She is studying to be an artist, and with her plasticity she conveyed all the tender feelings of the winter state, the sensations of wind in her hair. My friend creates gorgeous pictures, the heroines of which are sophisticated women, like herself.
Liliia Beda, Sarabande, 2018
Liliia Beda, Calla, 2018
Liliia Beda, Wings of Dark Tenderness, 2018