Madiha Abdo
Posted on June 05 2016
Madiha Abdo is a visual artist living in London, her interest in the medium of photography is evident since her childhood, interest that leads her to attend photography courses at Lambeth College and at University of West London.
In my photographs often the justapostion of darkness and light may gives shape to a world that is subtly mysterious, yet with powerful physical presence. - M. Abdo
Madiha Abdo is a visual artist living in London, her interest in the medium of photography is evident since her childhood, interest that leads her to attend photography courses at Lambeth College and at University of West London.
"Ancient Queens Inspiration" is a testimony of her interest in the use of black and white, that's how Madiha Abdo supports what attracts her from the world that surrounds her, a black and white which favors a reduction to the essentials of what she tells, and that allows, quoting the words of the same photographer, "to capture the target in almost a magic way that may produce images that are strong, pure and without any unnecessary distractions".
Contrasts, lights and shadows, are elements that characterize much of the photographic repertoire of this artist, through which you can capture semantic aspects that we can reconnect to the so-called "theory of contrasts, according to which, refering to the work of Abdo, what is put in the light, what is shown, prescinds by the fact that something in the shade is not revealed. This latter analysis allows to find a link between the archive of Abdo images and the series "Ancient Queens Inspiration", in this last series the act of revealing and concealing is an interest made manifest by the choice to portray Yemenite Jewish women as brides adorned with necklaces and traditional jewellery. Not fully showned, the faces of the women of Abdo, evoke in a sense, the charm of the "not revealed", a charm that, in this work, is conveyed by precious surfaces that first of all tells of an ancient tradition.
"Inspiration to Ancient Queens #1"
L.A.: Madiha how and when did you become interested in photography?
Madiha Abdo: I have been interested in photography since childhood, perhaps due to the fact that my uncle occasionally used to take me to his darkroom, giving me my first own small camera when I reached the age of ten. This childhood interest in photgraphy evolved to become a passion, which led me to the study of photography at both college and university levels. For me, photography is indeed a self-expression that allows me to document the interesting world around myself.
L.A.: All your photographic repertoire seems to include only black and white images, is there any particular reason that takes you to work in this way?
Madiha Abdo: Black and white photography is my favourite field, for I believe it allows me to capture the target in almost magic way that may produce strong and pure images without any unnecessary distractions. When working on my black and white images I give particular attention to the sources of light, and contrast, so to be able to create very interesting images that could pull the viewers' eyes.
"Inspiration to Ancient Queens #2"
"Inspiration to Ancient Queens #3"
L.A.: What led to you working in "Ancient Queens Inspiration" project?
Madiha Abdo: I'm someone who has been keenly interested in the middle eastern cultures, especially those linked to ancient traditionas. During my research in this regard I came across a lavish traditional Yeminite Jewish bridal wears, mainly consisting of rows of dangling necklaces and corals, as well as ornamental headgear, looking like ancient queens. This inspired me to come up with this unique jewellery stylish work, which highlights the beautiful traditional Yemenite Jewish bride wears.
L.A.: Can you comment your Ancient Queens Inspiration series? something about meanings, concepts, memories..
Madiha Abdo: This work of mine features a traditional Yemenite Jewish bride wearing two-piece jewelleries that coveres her head, face, neck and chest, leaving uncovered only the eyes' area. Such lavish jewelleries are part of some ancient Yemenite Jewish traditions that many endeavour to keep alive so, perhaps, to reconnect with their legendery past.

"Inspiration to Ancient Queens #4"
L.A.: In your general work is evidently a social component that seems to be steadily present. What's your mainly interest? and what is the function of the medium of photography for you?
Madiha Abdo: My main interest is to capture certain interesting aspects in our world and share them with others for eventual benefits/reactions. For me the functions of the medium of photography is either to document something that has or is happining, or to come up with something that might make others react to.
L.A.: Hopes and projects for the future?
Madiha Abdo: I am, at present, working on a number of projects, which, I hope, would allow me to come up with ever so interesting and satisfactory works.
"Inspiration to Ancient Queens #5"